

Otto von Busch

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Otto von Busch is full time faculty at Integrated Design, School of Design Strategies and point person for the minor in Alternative Fashion Strategies at "Parsons The New School in New York City". I got to know Otto first through reading "The Fashion Condition". It is written by "The Fashion Praxis Collective" of which he is a part. Otto wrote countless texts and books around fashion using different lenses to deep dive into fashions many powerful relations. The majority of his texts can be open sourced on his website, which I highly recommend to do. Otto enthusiasticelly spreads ideas on how to engange in your own clothing in many creative ways and with the same passion he promotes other people´s approaches. As with the most interviews I did so far, Otto didn´t know what the topics of our talk would be, and I am likewise open to go on a ride - daring to move into the yet unknown is something I am commited to establish in my dialogues.


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