

Mikaila Brown

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Mikaila Brown created her own businessmodel combining her PhD in anthroplogy and her love for fashion: Mikaila Brown is a fashion anthroplogist. In other words, in my words: For Mikailas work with fashion "why" comes before "wow". She is also the creator of "Sidewalk Safaris", a city tour which she describes intriguingly: "We are going to disco deep dive into Harlem, using fashion as ur lense." This walk is to get to know Harlem as the starting point of black fashion in America as much as today`s Harlem and the importance of community in keeping small and diverse businesses. When I met Michala, she was in the middle of launching similar tours in Atlanta and LA. By the end of next year she wants to have them in ten american cities. This talk is recorded in a café in Harlem. We are sitting outside, next to a busy street. It´s the last stop of our preceding "Sidewalk Safari" and we still are surprisingly energized. Mikailas power is contagius! I decided to publish this conversation, even if the background sounds try to overtake. Meeting Mikaila was an encounter I will never forget, but listen to her nuanced and vibrant speech yourself!


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