

Janelle Abbott

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I got to know Janelle Abbott first as one part of the collaborative duo "Femail". Here she, together with Camilla Carper, creates beautiful and complex fashion, using upcycling. Since Janelle lives in Seattle and Camilla in Los Angeles, they use snail mail, sending back and forth their pieces, until they are ready. I fell in love with their work through an article about upcycling on Luckily they hosted a workshop in NYC while I was in town - a collective refashioning session - sure that I went there ! The interview is recorded via Skype, because Janelle was already back in Seattle. Janelle and me talk about Femail, but also about her very own work, which includes a beautiful project called "Wardrobe Therapy", about seeing and living live as a Gesamtkunstwerk and why Lady Gaga ended up buying a dress that have been sweatpants of her dad before.


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