

Tyler Pridgen & David Lobser

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Most mysterious indoors I´ve experienced in New York: THE ODDLY SATISFYING SPA. Virtual reality producer and DIY-lover Tyler Pridgen had the idea for this place - a Spa using immersive technology for relaxation and meditation purposes. David Lobser, co-creator of the Spa says this place is realized to "escape into your senses". Listen and learn about the difference between augmented and virtual reality. Also about how it all started when Pop Up´s became very trendy and Tyler started watching oddly satisfying videos to distract from the Instagram competition game. I love this kind of transferring things from one area to another ! I was lucky to have Tyler and David answering my questions, because like good teams do they complement each other which our talk shows. For this episode I am again stepping out of the textile field, following my curiosity for people with inspiring ideas and the courage to follow them. Also in this one I was able to collage some extra sounds which was so much fun - Tyler, thank you for sharing the soundfiles you use in the Spa!


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